September 2021 Update

Like many local organisations, SOS has been forced into hibernation during the COVID pandemic.  Since many of us could be described as ‘seniors’ and have underlying health problems, we have suspended all activities.  Regrettably, some have been/are  seriously unwell which has put additional problems. Obviously we have been unable to organise any events to reduce the outstanding debts which still stand at approximately £36,000  However, we are still in existence and hope to revive in due course. Meanwhile, any donations to help reduce our deficit would be very welcome.  Cheques should be made out to ‘SaveOurStOsyth‘ and posted to our treasurer at No 1 The Bury, St Osyth, Essex CO16 8NY.  If you wish to have a receipt, please leave contact details. The  local planning environment has improved lately with the Local Authority now able to claim adequate housing provision over a five year period.  However, the national situation is not looking good with the Government’s plan to ‘deregulate the planning system’ which would result in many more homes being built in rural areas which has been referred to by protesters as a ‘developers’ charter’.  It would seriously curtail individuals’  or organisations ability to comment on or oppose developers’ planning applications.  A decision on this is expected soon and there is a hope that the Government will abandon this proposal. The prestigious  countryside charity CPRE have been campaigning hard to oppose this plan and their latest information is reproduced below:. The government’s damaging changes to planning were set to bulldoze nature and our democracy. The plans to carve up neighbourhoods and greenspaces into zones – where a community’s say over...

Annual General Meeting – Monday 24th February 2020 – click here for formatted version

SOS Mission Statement: To preserve the beauty and tranquillity of St Osyth for posterity. To safeguard the local wildlife and the natural environment. To ensure that there is no overloading of local facilities such as doctors, the school and other local amenities. To prevent further congestion of existing roads and the village centre. To oppose any housing development within St Osyth which would affect any of the above. Annual General Meeting: SOS started up ten years ago, propelled into existence by the proposals for extensive building developments in the Priory.  During those years we have attempted to fulfil our Mission Statement as above.  We started with a large committee but, unfortunately, due to the passage of time and the onset of ill health we have lost many of our committee and we are now few in number.  Consequently, unless we recruit new committee members we are contemplating standing down so this may be our last AGM.  This will be unfortunate since there are still impending development proposals which will affect our village.  If anyone is prepared to join the committee, please come forward.  We meet approximately once a month on a Monday evening. The meeting will be held on Monday 24th February in the village hall annex starting at 7.30.  The agenda is given below. AGM Agenda Introduction by Chairman. Minutes of Previous Meeting – Monday 12th March 2018. Matters Arising from Minutes. Report of Treasurer and Presentation of Audited Accounts. Report of Secretary. Report on Fundraising Activities by Vice Chairman. Consideration of Resolutions. Resignation of the Current Committee. Election of Executive Committee for the coming year – Chairman,...

Classic Cars by the Sea (click here for formatted version)

CLASSIC CARS by the SEA (Supported by Clacton Classic Car Club) WEST ROAD CLACTON ON SEA CO15 1AJ (Next to Airfield – Opposite Clacton Golf Club) SUNDAY 7th JULY 2019 10 – 4pm Admission Exhibitors Free Driver & 1 Passenger Only – No pre-booking Public – Adults £4 Accompanied children under 12 Free CLASSIC & CUSTOM VEHICLES PRE 2000 VEHICLES – Up To T REG No Pre-Booking Required Exhibitors to be onsite by 9am & leave after 4.30pm AUTOJUMBLERS & TRADERS A Fantastic Day Out ENQUIRIES & TRADER BOOKINGS (From £20).  Contact Colin on 01255 821250 or Email: Event hosted by Save Our St Osyth (SOS) Leaflet Sponsored by: L & K Funeral Directors Ltd 24 hour service 01255 318524 /...

Grand Garage Trail Sale (click here for formatted version)

The Grand Garage Trail Sale organised by Fiona takes place on Saturday 31st August. There is a £5 registration fee which is payable in advance. To register your property on the location map please telephone Fiona on 821 325 or Colin on 820 084. Please note the DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS 19th August in order to allow time to produce a location map showing all the registered addresses.  These will be on sale in advance of the sale day. This event will be publicised as widely as possible to attract buyers from near and far.  SOS would also be grateful for donated items to sell.  Please leave these with Helen at 39 Mill Street or Colin at No 1 The Bury.  Unfortunately we do not have space to store bulky items but we can collect them on the week of the sale – please ring John Lynn on 820 533 or Colin on 820 084 to arrange. Last year over 50 properties took part and it was a very successful day for both sellers and buyers so do not miss this opportunity to join in and sell some of your unwanted...

Classic Cars by the Sea (click here for fully formatted version)

CLASSIC CARS by the SEA (Supported by Clacton Classic Car Club) WEST ROAD CLACTON ON SEA CO15 1AJ (Next to Airfield – Opposite Clacton Golf Club) SUNDAY 7th JULY 2019 10 – 4pm Admission Exhibitors Free – Driver & 1 Passenger Only – No pre-booking – free parking according to space avilable. Public – Adults £4 Accompanied children under 12 Free CLASSIC & CUSTOM VEHICLES PRE 2000 VEHICLES – Up To T REG No Pre-Booking Required by Exhibitors Exhibitors to be onsite by 9am & leave after 4.30pm AUTOJUMBLERS & TRADERS A Fantastic Day Out ENQUIRIES & TRADER BOOKINGS (From £20) To: Colin – 01255 821250 or Email: Event hosted by Save Our St Osyth (SOS) You are advised to book trading pitches early. Leaflet Sponsored by: L & K Funeral Directors Ltd 24 hour service 01255 318524 /...

St Osyth Annual Village Meeting (click here for full formatted version)

SOS attended the annual village meeting held on 10th April 2019 along with many other local organisations.  Clive Gowers, vice chairman of SOS made the following report: Over the past year we have had to spend a lot of time fundraising, but we must not forget what SOS is all about.  Our secretary David Smith keeps watch on the TDC web site for any new developments that might harm our village.   As we are still committed to our mission statement, I would like to remind you all what it is. To preserve the beauty and tranquillity of St Osyth for posterity. To safeguard the local wildlife and the natural environment. To ensure that there is no overloading of local facilities such as doctors, the school and other local amenities. To prevent further congestion of existing roads and the village centre. To oppose any housing development within St Osyth which would affect any of the above. At the start of the year we had a deficit of approximately £50,000 so a lot of fundraising had to be done to reduce this.  We had two dances. a quiz night. garage trail sale, a garden party.  The Rotary Club of Clacton-on-Sea organised a race night and Steph Smith a wine tasting quiz.  I would like to thank everybody who helped run these events and everybody who supported them.  A special big thanks go to Sonia Grantham and the Parish Council who produced a letter for every household in the Parish explaining the situation SOS was in and what had caused it.  I would like to thank everybody who made a contribution so...

Priory Business Strategy Submitted to TDC for Approval (click here for formatted version)

As part of the agreement to permit the enabling development reached at the second public inquiry, the Priory owners were required to submit a Business Strategy to TDC detailing how the main heritage assets at the Priory would be restored over the agreed period of 10 years.  It includes funding from the approved enabling development, grants and commercial funding matched against restoration costs. The Priory owners, in conjunction with the St Osyth Priory and Parish Trust, submitted this strategy for approval by TDC Planning Committee at its meeting on 12th March 2019.  At the start of proceedings, the Chief Planning Officer stated that following a number of meetings over the past 18 months they were in agreement on the proposed use of the buildings for a number of enterprises but there was no agreement on how the financial shortfall should be funded.  This amounts to between £26.5M and £32,4M depending on the amount of grant funding that might be obtained.  The strategy as submitted relies heavily on further enabling development throughout the District to raise sufficient funds.  However, the strategy did not identify the sites or scale of any such developments or the associated funds that would be generated.  The one site identified was Foot’s Farm on the outskirts of Little Clacton where a proposed 245 dwellings would contribute £1.76M which gave a measure of what would be required.  Committee members expressed concerns that if this were scaled up it might equate to several thousands of houses and if they approved the Strategy, they would be morally compelled to grant permission for these houses on sites as yet unknown. ...

New Application for Houses and Public Car Park on Warren Farm Land (click here for fully formatted version)

Application 18/00958/OUT:  This application was made in June 2018 and resulted in numerous objections as well as a few supporting comments.  TDC notified previous objectors on 9th March 2019 that a revised application had been received and details were posted on their website and available for comment.  Briefly, a new plan was appended to the original application showing the housing moved behind the car park on the field to the left of the lane when walking towards the Mill Pond.  This occupied most of that field down to the farm buildings. However, after two days, the application (original one and the amendment) completely disappeared.  When asked about this, the planning department of TDC said this was because it was “invalid for the fee“.  However, that does not explain why the original application, together with all documents and comments is no longer displayed! Watch this...

SOS 2019 AGM (click here for fully formatted version)

The AGM is on Monday 11th March (NOT 4th as previously advertised) in the village hall annex starting at 7.30. The agenda is given below. AGM Agenda Introduction by Chairman. Minutes of Previous Meeting – Monday 12th March 2018. Matters Arising from Minutes. Report of Treasurer and Presentation of Audited Accounts. Report of Secretary. Report on Fundraising Activities by Vice Chairman. Consideration of Resolutions. Resignation of the Current Committee. Election of Executive Committee for the coming year – Chairman, Vice Chairman/Events Organiser, Secretary, Treasurer. Any resolutions or nominations, duly endorsed, for posts on the executive committee (Chairman, Vice Chairman/Events Organiser, Secretary, and Treasurer) should be sent to ‘SOS Secretary, 27 Mill Street’ or via email to  These should arrive by Friday 22nd February.  Following the AGM there will be the opportunity for questions and an informal discussion on the current situation and future fund-raising events. We hope as many people as possible will be able to attend. Any volunteers who would wish to join our Working Group will be welcomed.  We meet approximately once a month on a Monday...

TDC Decision on Progress of Priory Restoration Business Plan (click here for fully formatted version)

The TDC Planning Committee hava an item concerning the Priory on the agenda for their meeting on 12th March concerning the newly published business plan for progressing the restoration of the Priory. As part of the agreement reached at the second public inquiry in 2015 to permit the enabling development, the Priory owners were required to submit a Business Strategy to TDC detailing how the main heritage assets at the Priory would be restored over the agreed period of 10 years.  This has now been submitted for consideration by TDC Planning Committee at its meeting on Tuesday 12th March.  It shows that further enabling development will be needed throughout the district to complete the restoration project.  The Officers’ Report published in advance of the meeting recommends that the Business Strategy as submitted is not accepted.  The reasons for and against are far too long and complex to summarise here but details are available on the Planning Committee pages of the TDC website (  Try the following link or else search for ‘committee minutes’ and follow the links to get tothe agenda for the 12th March meeting.  The question remains if it is not accepted, what then? The Planning Committee meetings are usually held at the Weeley offices starting at...

Race Night with Clacton Rotary Race Team (click here for formatted view)

The Race Night with the Clacton Rotary Club Race Team complete with betting tote system is on Friday 28th September in the village hall at 7.00 for a 7.30pm start.  Bring your own food and drink.  The Rotary Race Team put on a good show which costs just £3 and is suitable for all the family.    Tea, coffee and biscuits available.  There will be a raffle and we will be grateful for any contributions – please bring on the night.  Tickets are available from St Osyth Butchers, L & K Funeral Directors or Scott Sheen & Partners, Estate Agents all in village centre.  Entry at the door is possible if space allows but buy tickets in advance to avoid...

Fun Wine Tasting Quiz and Ploughmans Supper – Saturday 15th September (click here for formatted version)

This is a light hearted FUN Wine Tasting Quiz with emphasis on the FUN.  You need no detailed knowledge of wine – just a general interest and good taste buds.  Teams of up to six people will taste and then answer simple multiple choice questions on a range of anonymous wines.  Whether each mouthful is expelled or not is entirely up to the participants but be warned, if you don’t then you will definitely not be able to drive home! It will certainly be a fun evening. The cost is £8.50 per person which includes tasting six wines and a substantial Ploughman’s Supper.  Free tea and coffee will be available and there will be a raffle.  If anyone would like to donate items for the raffle, please leave with Helen at 39 Mill Street or bring it on the night.  Tickets are available from St Osyth Butchers, L & K Funeral Directors or Scott Sheen & Partners, Estate Agents all in the village centre  or you can leave a message on 01255 820 344 or 0125 820 533.  Entry at the door will be possible if space allows but we ask you to book well in advance so we can arrange sufficient supplies. The quiz will start promptly at 7.30 on Saturday 15th September in the village hall.  See posters in local shops for more details. This event is not suitable for under 18 year olds  ...

SOS Objection to Warren Farm Proposals (click here to see formatted version)

SAVE OUR ST.OSYTH – (S.O.S) …because our village matters 17th July 2018  Chief Planning Officer Planning Services Tendring District Council Council Offices Tendring Essex CO16 9AJ   Dear Mrs Bicknell,  Planning Applications 18/00958/OUT and 18/00959/FUL – Warren Farm, St Osyth. We wish to register objections to both these planning applications and make the following comments which we ask you to take into consideration when determining the applications. The proposal for both houses and car park lie outside the settlement development boundaries (village envelope) as shown in the ‘Tendring District Local Plan 2013-2033 and Beyond’. The claim in Paragraph 8.1 of the D&A statement to the contrary is therefore factually incorrect. The Local Plan does not identify this site for housing development and there is no overriding reason why it should be made an exception. TDC can prove a housing land supply in excess of 5 years as of April 2018 as stated by the inspector in his recent decision following the public inquiry into City & Country’s appeal into TDC’s refusal of planning permission for housing in Great Bentley. The statement in paragraph 8.2 of the D&A statement to the contrary is also factually incorrect.  This negates any claim that normal planning policies can be set aside in favour of ‘sustainable development’. No evidence has been provided of the need for a public car park. There is no major shopping centre in the village. There are spaces near to the village shops in Clacton Road and Spring Road which are mostly used for ‘pop in shopping’.  The public houses have their own parking facilities and there are...

Applications for Public Car Park and Twelve Houses on Warren Farm Land (click here for full formatted version)

SOS Mission Statement: To preserve the beauty and tranquillity of St Osyth for posterity. To safeguard the local wildlife and the natural environment. To ensure that there is no overloading of local facilities such as doctors, the school and other local amenities. To prevent further congestion of existing roads and the village centre.   To oppose any housing development within St Osyth which would affect any of the above. ———————————————————————————————————————– Warren Farm Proposals: Most local people are probably aware that the applications have now been submitted to TDC for a public car park together with a road and 12 houses on farm land behind The Bury. Currently, full planning permission for a public car park for 49 vehicles is applied for, sited behind the vicarage, and an outline application for 12 houses behind numbers 1 to 6 The Bury.  It will require the top end of the existing farm track to be realigned as a private road and footpath with a bell mouth onto The Bury which will take off a slice from the grass area near the telephone box.  This is designated as a village green and is ‘protected green space’ according to the TDC Local Plan 2013 – 2033 and Beyond.  The existing space by the side of the vicarage allowed as a courtesy parking space for approximately 20 cars will be discontinued giving a net gain of 29 places.  This development is being promoted as the only viable way of providing additional parking space in the village.  However we foresee significant problems which negate any advantage of providing these additional parking spaces. In accordance with our...

Register for the SOS Distribution List (click here for full and formatted version)

New Data Protection Legislation: You may have heard about the new data protection regulation that became fully operational on the 25th May. This applies to any organisation and we need to make our position clear: SOS maintains an email distribution list in order to disseminate information relating to our activities. The data we hold consists solely of a contact’s name and email address. Access to this information is restricted to the SOS secretary. It is electronically protected by high grade internet security software. SOS will not disclose this data to any person or organisation. No addresses are disclosed when sending group mail shots. Any person on our contact list may have their details removed without trace. We are in the process of contacting all individuals already on our list to ask them to confirm that they wish to remain.  If you are on our old list, we hope you will reply to our email we have sent you and consent to remain so that we can maintain effective communication.  If you are not already on our list and want to be included, please send an email to giving your...

Funding Appeal (click here for full and formatted version)

We are raising funds to repay the SOS committee members who personally paid the costs awarded as a result of the public inquiry into the application to build in the grounds of the ancient St Osyth Priory. SOS was formed following the public meeting in the village hall on 17th March 2010 held to discuss the proposals for large scale housing on Priory land.  Its mission statement appears in the monthly report in the St Osyth News and is essentially to preserve village life, particularly by opposing significant building proposals within the village. Both SOS and the Parish Council represented the local community at the public inquiry held in January 2015 into the refusal of Tendring District Council to approve the plans submitted by the Sargeant family, owners of the Priory.  We engaged the services of a professional advocate at a cost of approximately £9,000 which was paid for from fundraising activities and donations. The outcome of the public inquiry was that the refusal for planning permission was upheld.  However, SOS along with the Parish Council, had costs awarded against us.  The Sargeant family claimed costs of over £120,000 against SOS in documents served on Bev Lynn, as chairman of SOS, on 30th December 2015 demanding payment within 21 days or court proceedings to recover this amount (plus interest at 8%) would ensue. Following a highly stressful two year legal battle the punitive cost claim was finally reduced to £56,303 payable immediately to prevent further costs and interest accruing. Despite fundraising events and donations received since then, the elected committee members are left paying £47,000 from their own personal savings....

Retro Dance Night (click for formatted version)

Our next event is: Retro Dance Night with the Tarrin Duo Playing live music of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s on Saturday 8th June St Osyth Village Hall Doors Open at 7.30 Bring your own food and drink The Tarrin Duo have become popular performers in the locality, performing live music of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s and they attracted a large crowd at our last dance in November. We are grateful to Scott Sheen & Partners, the new village estate agents, who have joined St Osyth Butchers and L & K Funeral Directors in agreeing to sell tickets.  Tickets costing just £5 are available from any of these outlets in the village centre or by leaving a message with Helen on 820 344 or Bev on 820 533.  Entry at the door will be possible but only if space allows so get your tickets early to avoid disappointment as the event is being advertised...

Quiz Night with Graham – Saturday 21st April (click to see formatted version)

Our next event will be: QUIZ NIGHT with Graham in St Osyth Village Hall. Saturday 21st April. Doors open at 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Teams can be up to 6 at £2.50 per person. Please bring your own refreshments. We will have our usual giant raffle for which further donations would be welcome.  Please leave with Helen at 39 Mill Street or bring them on the night. If you wish to book a table in advance telephone 01255 820533 or 01255...